Python Training in Surat

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Python Course Highlights

Python Course in Surat for Students & Professionals

Python was ranked as the best programming language to learn in 2018 after being classified as the best language to learn in 2017. It was also ranked as the third most popular programming language on GitHub after Java and JavaScript. In addition, it has been ranked as one of the top ten most popular programming languages for over 10 years. 

TOPS Technologies is the biggest Python Training in Surat that is highly renowned for playing a chief role in offering a comprehensive Python Training Course to students and working professionals. The students are trained in such a way that they cultivate a liking for Python as a subject.

What is Python?

Python is a programming language that has gained popularity over the past few years. It is an interpreted high-level programming language. Its syntax and semantics are intended to be easy for beginners to learn but also powerful enough for experts to use. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and released as open-source software in 2000, with major releases every three years since then.

In recent years, Python has become one of the most popular data analysis and statistics languages, primarily due to its simplicity and flexibility.

There are many companies that use Python for their business operations. For example, Netflix uses it as its recommendation engine to make personalized suggestions to each user about what to watch next. Google also uses Python for its search engine crawler to ensure the most relevant results are returned for each query. 

Python has been designed with readability, clarity, and simplicity in mind. This makes it easy to learn, especially for programmers who are new to coding languages. It also has a static type system which means that it can detect errors at compile time rather than when running it, which increases the efficiency of development and reduces the time spent on debugging code.

Python is also one of the easiest languages for beginners to learn because it has a simple syntax and doesn't require too much knowledge about data structures or object-oriented programming concepts. As a result, it is one of the most in-demand languages for data scientists and software developers. It is also very popular for web development, game development, and scientific computing.

Have you always wanted to learn how to code? Python is the perfect language for people who are just starting to get into programming. This Python Certification Surat will enable you to understand the basics of Python programming and make your first computer program!

Learning to program is more than just learning to do math. It is about how to think. It is about sitting down and designing anything you can imagine with a piece of paper and pencil. So learn Python and transform the way you solve problems. It turns out that programming a computer isn't so hard after all!

If you want to start programming, this is a Python Tutorial for beginners suited for everybody. It starts with the basics of the Python programming language and just enough programming concepts to be able to write some useful programs. Along the way, we will tackle fun topics like how to play games and draw graphics.

If your dream is to become a master programmer, then start here. The Python Course in Surat at TOPS Technologies will take you from zero to hero in no time and let you get comfortable with a professional-level programming language. In addition, you'll understand how the software you use every day works and have the key skills to make your own programs.

You're in the right place if you want to learn how to program without all the hassle. Python is a simple language designed to be easy to use and learn. It lets you work quickly and flexibly. Our course will teach you the basics of programming through step-by-step examples.

Python Course in Surat is the best choice for learning how to program a computer, regardless of your background. This course teaches all the basic concepts of programming from absolute scratch so that by the end of it, you'll possess all the skills necessary to begin a career in programming.

Why should you take a Python Certification Surat?

Python has become popular because of its simplicity, readability, and a large community of users. The syntax is also very simple and straightforward, making it easy for beginners to pick up the basics quickly. A few of the benefits it offers are:

Easy to Learn: It is one of the easiest languages to learn because it has a simple syntax, making it easy to read and understand code. This makes it a good language for beginners who want to start learning how to code or for people who wish to refresh their knowledge of programming languages in general. 

Free: It is free and open-source, which means there are no licensing fees associated with using the software or any restrictions on usage as there may be with other products such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite. 

Widely Used: One of the best things about Python is that it's widely used by many different types of companies, from large corporations like Google and IBM all the way down to small startups.

Powerful: It is powerful and can do just about anything, from web development to machine learning.

Easy to Integrate: It uses an open-source development environment called Django that makes it easy to integrate with other applications and even write new apps using Django's Web framework as a foundation.

Offers Scalability: Programmers can use it for large projects because of its memory management efficiency and low-level data structures that are more compact than those found in other languages.

It is used in many industries and has a lot of use cases. The following are some of the industries where Python is used:

  • Information technology
  • Web Development
  • Data Science
  • Robotics
  • Machine Learning
  • Automation

TOPS Technologies is a leading provider of Python training and placement assistance. Each student receives individualised attention from our knowledgeable industry professionals, who make sure they get the greatest Python programming for beginners instruction. We ensure students get the necessary skills to secure employment with the greatest businesses. Our Python Training Program focuses on giving students the knowledge and resources they need to create applications that satisfy the needs of companies in the IT sector. The instruction ensures that students are familiar with the Python environment and have the necessary skill sets to get job placements in reputable businesses. We promise a thorough and dependable education focusing on real-world projects that are customised to meet the needs and expectations of each student. By the course's conclusion, students can launch applications effectively while using all of Python programming's capabilities.

Unfold Endless Job Opportunities with Python Course in Surat

Python’s popularity in the workplace is largely due to its versatility which allows it to be applied to a variety of different tasks. The significant jobs associated with it are as follows: 

Python Developer: This profession uses Python for all development, ranging from web development to scientific, financial, and finance applications. They may use the language for building websites, web services, and tools that interface with other services like databases, using a toolkit like PyQt or wxPython to develop apps for their clients. Depending on the organization and their level of experience, a Python developer in Ahmedabad may make up to Rs. 8.5 lakh annually.

Software Engineer: A software engineer uses Python to develop software for various purposes. The engineer can use Python to automate tasks and create websites or any other type of application that requires a lot of programming. A software engineer in Surat makes up to Rs 14 lakh annually.

Data Scientist: Data scientists use Python for data analysis and machine learning projects. They are often required to work with large amounts of data sets that contain information related to different fields like finance, healthcare, etc. The annual salary for data scientists in Surat is up to Rs 25 lakh.

Computer Programmer: These professionals use Python to build software applications that help businesses or individuals. They generally need to work with large amounts of data, so they also use Python’s machine-learning capabilities. The salary for computer programmers in Surat is up to Rs 10 lakh per annum.

Data Analyst: Data analyst uses Python in their daily job to analyze large amounts of data gathered from different sources like digital media and sensors. Data analysts are responsible for the analysis of data, which can be in the form of text, images, video, or audio. They are also responsible for identifying patterns and trends in the data to draw conclusions about a specific topic or event. The salary of a data analyst in Surat varies based on the company, designation, experience, and location. The average salary of a data analyst in Surat is up to Rs. 9 lacks per annum.

Web Developer: These professionals use Python for designing and programming websites. They also use the library to make web apps that can be used for anything from mobile apps to customer service and corporate websites. There is a lot of demand for web developers in Surat. The average salary for a web developer in Surat is up to Rs. 8 lahks. Web developers are paid based on their skill level and experience.

Data Scientist: These professionals use Python for data modeling, predictive analytics, or any data-related job that requires “big data”. This can include a variety of jobs, from analyzing the stock market to providing recommendations of story ideas based on user interactions with your website. Data Scientists are the new rockstars of the IT world. They are not only in demand but also earn a lot of money. The average salary for a data scientist in Surat is Rs. 15 lakhs per annum.

Mobile Developer: This profession uses Python for mobile app development for a number of different platforms like Android, iPhone, or Windows Phone. They work primarily with a toolkit like PyQt or wxPython to develop apps for their clients. 

What to Expect from the Best Python Classes in Surat?

TOPS has good long experience in placing over 10,000 candidates for their desirable jobs. This proves that the faculties and management collectively work to turn any fresher into a high-profile IT personality or boost the career of existing IT professionals as well. IT Training is a process in which students are taught about and learn the skills required to work in the IT industry.

Live projects involve students in real-time, clients scenarios to solve problems with the help of our skilled subject experts. From picking the basics of Python to learning inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Magic Methods, and Operator Overloading, this course makes you job-ready. Python training in surat aims to train students to stay highly proficient in the Python language. The latest, updated syllabus is specially designed to help gain practical exposure. The skilled trainers take along the students on the live project to give them real insights in a highly organized manner.

  • Get in-demand skills, and get a career.
  • Learn all the fundamentals and advance your knowledge with step-by-step lessons and self-paced tutorials.
  • Review concepts you've learned and deepen your understanding with integrated exercises.
  • Learn Python from the best information security experts in the industry.
  • Gain a competitive edge by learning to code without spending your time and money on a degree.
  • Clear and easy-to-follow course material for beginners, designed for our fast-paced world.

Who can Enroll in Python Training in Surat?

This course is a Python Tutorial for Beginners, which is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to program in Python. You don't need any previous programming experience because we'll teach you everything you need to know!

For all those who want to learn Python

Perfect for students and professionals in other fields who want to learn Python

Learners of all levels: beginner to professional, everyone can enroll and master Python.

Learners of any background: professionals in other fields who want to learn Python, programmers new to programming, and students who want to learn Python.

Python Training in Surat with Certified Python Experts

The city of Surat is one of the most populous cities in India. It is also a major economic hub for the state of Gujarat. It has been a trade center for centuries and has grown to be one of the most important ports in India. It is situated on the banks of the Tapti River and was once a major trading center for the British East India Company. The city is known for its textile mills, diamond cutting, and polishing units, engineering industries, and educational institutions. Surat is also one of the fastest-growing cities in India, with an annual growth rate of more than 10% per year.

TOPS Technologies has a certain level of proven experience in personalizing Python Training by modifying the curriculum based on your requirements. This also means, our subject professionals are willing to conduct batches on at your offices and colleges in Surat.

Personalized Python Classes In Surat

Whether you intend to kick start or reboot your career in IT, visit the TOPS Technologies Surat Center to attend a risk-free demo of Python. To get more information regarding the curriculum and fees for Python Training Programs, drop us an email at or call us at 7622011173.

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Python Course Curriculum

Download Curriculum

  • Introduction of Python
  • OOP Concepts
  • Programming Style
  • Core python concepts
  • Conditional Statements
  • If, If- else, Nested if-else
  • Looping, For, While, Nested loops
  • Control Statements, Break, Continue, Pass
  • String Manipulation
  • Accessing Strings
  • Basic Operations
  • String slices
  • Function and Methods

  • List
  • Introduction
  • Accessing list
  • Operations
  • Working with lists
  • Function and Methods
  • Tuple
  • Accessing tuples Operations Working
  • Functions and Methods
  • Dictionaries
  • Accessing values in dictionaries
  • Working with dictionaries
  • Properties

  • Calling a function
  • Types of functions
  • Function Arguments
  • Anonymous functions

  • Modules
  • Importing module
  • Math module
  • Random module
  • Packages

  • Printing on screen
  • Reading data from a keyboard
  • Opening and closing file
  • Reading and writing files

  • Handling Exception
  • clause
  • Try ? finally clause
  • User Defined Exceptions

  • Class
  • Object
  • Attributes
  • Inheritance
  • Overloading
  • Overriding
  • Data Hiding

  • Search function
  • Match Function
  • Matching VS Searching
  • Modifiers

  • Introduction
  • Architecture
  • CGI environment variable
  • GET and POST methods
  • Cookies
  • File upload

  • Socket
  • Socket Module
  • Methods
  • Client and server
  • Internet modules

  • Thread
  • Starting a thread
  • Threading module
  • Synchronizing threads
  • Multithreaded Priority Queue

  • Introduction
  • Tkinter programming
  • Tkinter widgets
  • Designing
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Ajax

  • Introduction
  • Connections
  • Executing queries
  • Transactions
  • Handling error

  • Simple Web application.
  • Client-Server Architecture.
  • Intro of Flask and Bottle.
  • Advanced Web Framework Django.
  • Connectivity with MySql Connection Steps.
  • CRUD Operation Using Tkinter with MVC Pattern

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Course Key Features

Develop web applications in Python with Django Framework
Create API using industry tools and software packages
Building Data Model in Django
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Skills Covered

Python Programming
Python Syntax and Semantics
Data Structure
Django Framework
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Job Roles

Python Developer
Web Scrapping
Flask Developer
Software Developer
Software Engineer
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Get Training Certificate by Government
Recognized NSDC/Skill India

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  • National Skill Development Corporation
  • Supported by the vision of PM Shri Narendra Modi
  • Certification by NSDC SkillIndia
  • Valid for all Jobs and College Training
  • International Recognition
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Student Reviews


The Python course fees in Surat vary according to the institute and the duration of the course. The most important factor that determines the fees of Python courses is the duration of the course. The duration is usually measured in weeks or months. The cost of a one-month course will be much higher than that of a one-week course.

The other factors that determine the cost of Python courses are:

The institute where you take the course

Whether you are taking a public or private course

The number of hours per week

TOPS Technologies offers the best Python Live Project Training in Surat, India. Our exclusive Python Tutorial covers all aspects of Python development, including web frameworks and libraries, databases, data science, machine learning, web scraping and more. We provide the best Python Live Project Training in Surat with ample opportunities to work on live projects to help you get started with your career as a Python developer or data scientist.

We provide you with an opportunity to work hands-on with our expert trainers and learn from industry professionals to become skilled Python professionals. TOPS Technologies offer Python Training and Placement services for learners of all level.

If you are looking for Python developer jobs in Surat, then TOPS Technologies is the place to go. TOPS Technologies offers a Python course with placement in Surat. This course helps you in becoming a skilled professional who can work on various projects and can apply for jobs as a Python developer.

The Python Certification Course is designed to help you start your programming career in Surat. It will teach you the basics of Python programming language and how to make use of it in real-world applications. Python Training and Placement will also help you get your first job as a python programmer in Surat with TOPS Technologies.

TOPS Technologies offers a Python course with placement services in Surat. TOPS Technologies is the leading IT company in Surat with a wide range of services for both domestic and international clients.

The Python Certification course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to work as programmers, software engineers, system analysts, data scientists, or any other type of IT professional that requires programming skills. The course includes basic programming concepts like variables and loops as well as more advanced topics like object-oriented programming, design patterns, and database connectivity.

The demand for Python developers is increasing in Surat as well as all over the world. Surat offers many job opportunities to Python developers with lucrative salaries. Python developers are in high demand, and their salaries reflect this. Salaries for Python Developers in Surat vary depending on the company. The Python Developer's salary in Surat ranges up to Rs. 10 lakhs per annum, depending on the skills and experience of the candidate. TOPS Technologies is a leading IT training institute with placement services and offers the best Python Course in the industry.

TOPS Technologies is a leading  IT training institute in India. We offer Python Interview Preparation for Freshers in Surat. We have qualified trainers who are experts in the field of Python programming. They will help you prepare for your interview with a range of mock interviews and technical workshops that will help you ace your interview process. TOPS Technologies offers the Best Python course that will help you learn Python programming language in the most efficient way. 

Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. Its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java.

The qualities that are needed for a Python developer are:

1) Programming Skills: A Python developer should have good programming skills and be able to use the language without any problems.

2) Good Communication: A Python developer should have good communication skills and be able to work well with other people, both within the team and outside it.

3) Problem-solving Skills: A Python developer should have problem-solving skills and be able to solve any problems that might arise during development.

Instead of searching Python Course Near me, find the nearest TOPS location to get the best courses for learning Python.

Interview Questions

Enumerate is a built-in function in Python that allows you to keep track of the number of items in an iterable object while looping over it. This can be a list, tuple, dictionary, or any other iterable object. Enumerate returns a tuple (count, element) for each item in the iterable object, and you can use it to create a loop that prints out all the items and their corresponding count.

For example, if you have a list of fruits, you can use enumerate to print out their names and their corresponding ranking. Let's say you have a list called 'fruits_list' with the following elements: apple, banana, cherry, and pear. You can use enumerate to print out their respective positions in the list:

for count, element in enumerate(fruits_list):

print(count, element)

This will print out the following:

  • 0 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 2 cherry
  • 3 pear

As you can see, enumerate allows you to easily keep track of the items in a list while looping over it. It's a useful tool if you want to loop over a list and access each element's corresponding index. Enumerate is also very versatile, as it can be used with other data structures such as dictionaries and tuples.

Python range() is an in-built function that returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 and increments by 1 and stops before a specified number. This method is mainly used when a user needs to perform an operation on a given number of elements in a series. 

It is also used to iterate over a sequence of numbers during traversing such as for loops. It returns an object type of range. Every range object has three parameters that specify the start, stop and step size of a range. For example, range(0, 10, 2) returns a sequence of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and stops at 10.

Range can be used to iterate over a sequence of elements. It is also used as a shortcut to generate a list of elements. However, range() can't store all the elements at once. A range also cannot have floating-point numbers. It is also used to check out the element present in a sequence. It is an efficient way to traverse through all elements of a list or string.

A generator in Python is a specific sort of function that enables the user to stream data over time. The user may go over all the values at once since generators are iterators. Unlike a list, a generator does not keep all the values in memory, it produces the values on the fly. This makes generator functions more memory and resource efficient.

Iteration in Python is the repetition of an operation or collection of instructions. It entails executing a loop until a certain condition is fulfilled. At each iteration, the condition is evaluated, and if it remains false, the loop continues. 

Python has numerous looping strategies, including the for loop, the while loop, and the do-while loop. The for loop is used to iterate through a sequence, such as a list, tuple, or dictionary. The while loop is used to run a series of instructions until a certain condition is fulfilled. The do-while loop is identical to the while loop, with the exception that it executes at least once, even if the condition is false.

“Python is the most popular language among Indian students, with over 65% of students using it to learn to program.”

Self is a keyword in Python that refers to the current object. It is utilised in the object-oriented programming paradigm, which enables programmers to design classes and objects that inherit attributes from parent classes. 

In Python, self is used to provide a reference to the current object, and it must be used as a keyword in some instances to indicate a specific instance of a class. For instance, class methods must take self as their initial parameter. 

This ensures that when a class instance calls a method, the method knows which instance to work on. The self keyword may also be used to access class or instance variables or to invoke the __init__ initialization function. Moreover, the self keyword is widely used for consistency, since it avoids the need for global variables or other means of determining which object is being worked on.

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