Java Course in Surat

Best Java Course in Surat for Student & Professionals. Live Project Training & 100% Job Placement

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Java Course Highlights

Java Classes in Surat - Best Method for Learning Java Programming Language

Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It creates applications that run on computers, smartphones, and other devices. The popularity of Java has led to an increase in the demand for Java-based software. A survey found that the demand for Java software will grow by 18% in the upcoming years. This is because businesses are increasingly turning to Java to build their systems.

If you want to gain experience working with technologies like Java, doing a java course in surat at TOPS Technologies would be a good investment. This is because Java Language Courses will give you hands-on experience with different concepts and toolsets. By the end of the Java Computer Course, you'll be able to build complex solutions using Java effectively.

What is Java?

Java is a flexible and potent programming language that allows developers to build strong, high-performance applications. Java is utilized on several computing platforms, from embedded devices and mobile phones to business servers and supercomputers. 

The Java Virtual Machine is an essential component of Java (JVM). The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a software platform that allows Java programs to execute on any computer or device. The JVM is meant to be platform-independent, which allows it to run on any operating system or hardware platform. This makes Java programs more portable than other programming languages, which is a significant advantage.

As a result of its Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler, the JVM is also incredibly efficient. The JIT compiler transforms Java bytecode into native machine code on the fly, hence accelerating the execution of Java programs.

Another essential Java element is the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JRE software platform provides Java programs with the required tools and libraries to execute. The JRE consists of the JVM, a class loader, and a collection of standard libraries.

The JRE is platform-independent and may be used on any hardware or operating system platform. This makes Java programs more portable than other programming languages, which is a significant advantage.

Enrolling in java classes in surat may be a wise decision if you are interested in advancing your career in Java programming. There are several advantages to completing a Java Programming Certification course, including distinguishing yourself from other candidates, improved career opportunities, and a solid basis for future development initiatives.

One of the most significant advantages of taking a Java Course in Surat at TOPS Technologies is that it might enhance your skill set. You can develop more efficient programs and apps by understanding how to write code properly. In addition, doing a Java Certification Course may teach you the fundamentals of software development, which can be helpful when applying for jobs or seeking more schooling.

Completing an Advanced Java Course might offer you an advantage over other applicants. You will be better able to compete for employment in the sector if you acquire the appropriate skills. In addition, if you learn the fundamentals of Java programming, you will be able to construct more flexible apps than those with less expertise. Consequently, enrolling in a Java Certification Course may be your best option if you want to keep ahead of the curve in this profession.

If you're interested in learning Java, look no further than TOPS Technologies, which offers Java Training in Surat. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now!

Benefits Of Java

Improved Security

The Java platform provides several mechanisms to help protect users and systems from malicious code. Some of these mechanisms are built into the platform, while others are provided as extensions to the Java programming language. One of the built-in mechanisms is the security manager. A security manager is an object that can be used to control access to resources and monitor events related to system security. 

The security manager can determine which classes and methods can be called, and it can check arguments for potentially malicious behavior. The JVM also includes a variety of extension APIs that developers can use to add additional protection measures to their applications. These APIs include the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), which provides support for cryptographic operations; the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE), which enables secure communications over network connections; etc. 

Secure Development 

Programmers place high importance on the flexibility and safety of the programming language they use when it comes time to produce code. Java is a computer software that is extremely adaptable and compatible with every operating system.

Sun Microsystems initially developed Java in 1995. Since then, many companies have adopted it as a core component of their operations due to its numerous security advantages. Java must be at the top of your list of must-haves if you are just starting in the programming world. This is the only way to ensure reliability and flexibility.

Platform Independent

Java is a platform-independent programming language that supports multiple platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This makes it easier for Java developers to create programs that can run on whatever system they use.

One of the key benefits of Java is its platform independence. Java programs can run on any platform that supports the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This means that you can write your Java code once and have it run on a wide variety of systems. This platform independence also allows developers to use existing libraries and tools in their Java applications. This makes it easy to develop applications with a consistent look and feel across different systems.

Better Java Ecosystem

The Java ecosystem is vast and includes many tools and libraries. This vastness provides developers with an abundance of options for creating software. For example, numerous libraries are available for working with data, including the Java Data API, Hibernate, and Apache Commons Lang. Additionally, there are a variety of development tools that can be used to create applications, such as Eclipse and NetBeans.

Thanks to the many choices available, developers can find the right tool for the job. Furthermore, these tools can be combined to create powerful applications. For instance, NetBeans can be used to build code interactively or use code snippets; both approaches help speed up the development process. In addition, different libraries and tools can also be used together to create more complex applications. For example, Hibernate can be used to manage database tables, and Apache Commons Lang can be used to write user-friendly code.

Industries That Use Java 

Java is a versatile programming language that can be used in many industries. Here are four of the most popular ones:

1. Technology - It is commonly used in technology companies because it offers a robust platform for developing software. This makes it ideal for developing applications that need to be reliable and scalable, such as online banking or e-commerce platforms.

2. Banking and Financial Services - As Java is widely used in technology companies, banks, and other financial institutions also use it to develop their software. It is particularly well-suited for developing systems that handle transactions and manage financial data.

3. Retail and E-Commerce - Java is also popular among retailers and e-commerce platforms because of its versatility and compatibility with web browsers. This means that Java-based websites can easily be accessed by many users, including those with limited computer skills.

4. Pharmaceuticals and Medical Research - Pharmaceutical firms use Java to develop medical applications, such as patient registries or drug prescription forms. This ensures that their software is reliable and user-friendly while saving them time and money on development costs.
Java Job Roles and Salary

You can do many different jobs after completing our Java Course in Surat. Here are the most common jobs for people who work with Java.

Java Developer - A Java developer's basic job is making Java applications. This can mean making anything from simple Java programs to complex enterprise-level apps. Java developers need to know much about the Java language and its different parts. They should also know how to use common tools and frameworks for developing in Java. The annual compensation of a Java Developer in Surat might reach up to 9 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR), on average.

Java Software Engineer - These professionals make software programs using Java. This means working with different software development tools and frameworks to make high-quality software applications that can be scaled up. Software engineers who work with Java need to know a lot about software engineering and be able to use common Java development frameworks. In Surat, a Java Software Engineer can make an average salary of up to 8 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR) per year.

Java Architect - Designing and building Java architectures is the primary work of these professionals. This means working with different Java development tools and frameworks to make scalable and fast Java-based apps. Java architects need to be very familiar with best practices for Java development and be able to use common Java development frameworks like Grails, Vaadin, etc. The annual compensation for a Java Architect in Surat can go up to 9 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR).

Java DevOps Engineer - Java DevOps engineers are in charge of making and running applications that use Java. This means using different DevOps tools and frameworks to automate the development and deployment of applications. Java DevOps engineers need to know a lot about DevOps and be able to use common Java development frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. In Surat, a Java DevOps engineer can make up to 10 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR) in annual income.

Best Java Training Institute in Surat to Learn Java Programming

TOPS Technologies is highly renowned for significantly offering a comprehensive JAVA training course to students and working professionals. Students are trained to develop a customized Java website that ensures the smooth functioning of critical business solutions. All the students at TOPS Technologies are expected to undergo rigorous theory and practical training sessions to get complete know-how of the subject. You can learn from your home through Online Java Classes.

This course aims to train the students to craft highly advanced Java web applications designed specially to help clients achieve their business objectives. The skilled trainers take the students on the live project to get them insights on real-time requirements in an organized fashion.

TOPS Technologies is experienced in placing over 10,000 candidates, proving that it has the potential to turn any fresher into a high-profile IT personality or boost the career of existing IT professionals as well. If you, too, aim to kick start or reboot your career, join our best java training institute in surat.

Who can enroll in our Java Classes in Surat at TOPS Technologies?

Anyone can enroll in our Java Developer Course and learn Java. Whether a beginner or an experienced developer, our Java Training at TOPS Technologies will teach you everything you need to know to develop Java applications. With easy-to-follow tutorials and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of Java development, our Java Classes in Surat are the perfect way to get started with this popular programming language.

Customized Java Training in Surat for Students & Professionals

Surat is the second most populous city in Gujarat after Ahmedabad. The city is famous for its textile industry. Surat was also once known as the City of Gold. The city is also known as the 'Warehouse of India' because of its strategic location at the intersection of major trade routes.

Surat was once the biggest port in western India and still contributes significantly to the country's GDP. Surat is India's most important trading port and the tenth most important in the world.

We are experts in creating personalized Java training for your colleges and offices. Our trained professionals are available to provide Java Training at your convenient place; college or office in Surat. For more details about fees and duration, email us at or contact us at 7622011173.

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Java Course Curriculum

Download Curriculum

  • Introduction to Java
  • Introduction of Students Career in IT
  • Working on Project and Assignment Using Lab

  • Conditional Statements (If, If Else, Nested If Else If) (Switch Case)
  • Loops (While, Do While, For)
  • Break and Continue
  • SDLC Process
  • Project Analysis
  • Analysis In Details
  • DFD(with practical)
  • Introduction of DFD
  • Rules for Drawing DFD
  • Context Level
  • First Level
  • Second Level
  • Data Dictionary
  • Flow Chart
  • Data Dictionary
  • Flow Chart

  • Introduction of Core Java
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Class, Object, Method
  • Constructor
  • Garbage Collection
  • Finalize
  • Source File Layout
  • Package Management
  • Import Statement
  • Data types
  • Primitive Types
  • Reference Types
  • Modifiers- Public, Private, Protected, Default
  • Conditional Statements and Looping Statements
  • Array Introduction
  • Why Array? Advantages
  • Types of Array
  • Resizing Array
  • Copying Array
  • Primitive types and Reference type Arrays
  • Encapsulations
  • Inheritance – Introduction
  • Advantages of Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Practical of Inheritance
  • Practical of Inheritance with Constructor
  • Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Abstract and Interface – Introduction and Difference
  • Keywords – This, Static, Final, Super
  • Classes
  • Object Class(only Important Methods)
  • String Class (Only Important Methods)
  • String Buffer & String Builder
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Exceptions
  • Introduction – Why Exceptions
  • Types of Exceptions
  • Try catch and Finally Block
  • Multi-catch Exceptions
  • Throw and Throws keywords
  • Method Overriding with Exceptions
  • Custom Exceptions
  • FILE I/O
  • What is Stream and Types of Stream
  • File Input Output Streams and Its Methods
  • File class
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Thread-Introduction
  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Creating Threads
  • Thread Class Methods (Only Important Methods)
  • Runnable Interface
  • Synchronized block and Synchronized Methods
  • Collection Framework – Introduction
  • Collection API
  • Hierarchy of Collections
  • List and Set and Map Collections
  • Array list, vector, and Other Classes
  • Generics
  • Comparator and Comparables
  • AWT (Introduction only) & Swing (in Details)
  • Components, Containers, Frame, Window, Panel, Layout
  • All Components
  • Events, Event Handling

  • Database
  • DDMS and RDBMS
  • Introduction
  • Query Types
  • Constraints
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • Unique Key
  • Normalizations
  • 1NF
  • 2NF
  • 3NF
  • Joins
  • All Joins Types
  • Advance Database
  • Indexers
  • Views
  • Procedures
  • Functions
  • Cursor
  • Triggers
  • JDBC (Insert, Update, Select, Delete)
  • Introduction of JDBC
  • Driver Types
  • Steps for Creating Connections
  • Types of Statements (Statements, prepared Statements and Callable Statements)
  • Result Set Interface
  • Database Metadata
  • Result Set Metadata

  • HTML
  • UL Tag
  • LI Tag
  • a Tag
  • IMG tag
  • Table, TR, TD tag
  • Form tags with Attributes
  • All input tags
  • CSS
  • Types of CSS
  • Pseudo- Classes
  • Margins and Puddings
  • CSS background
  • CSS using ID and Class
  • JavaScript
  • Events
  • Validations
  • Validations with Regular Expressions
  • Firebug
  • Template Integration
  • Introduction of Client-Server Architecture
  • HTTP Protocol overview with Request and Response header explanation
  • J2EE Architecture Overview
  • Web Component Development In Java
  • CGI Programming Process Advantage and Disadvantage
  • Servlet Programming Introductions
  • Advantage and Disadvantage
  • Servlet Versions
  • Types of Servlets
  • Difference between HTTP Servlet a Generic Servlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Creating Servlets
  • Servlet Entry in web.xml
  • Logical URL
  • Servlet Config Interface
  • Request Dispatcher Interface
  • Forward and Include Methods
  • Servlet Context Interface
  • Web Application Listener
  • Scope of Objects, Request, and Response
  • Application (Context) , Config
  • Java Filters – Introduction
  • What are the needs
  • Filter Life Cycle
  • Process of Execution Filter
  • Applying Filter
  • Entry in web.xml
  • URL Pattern with Filter
  • JSP Introduction
  • JSP Translation
  • JSP Life Cycle
  • Comments
  • Directives
  • Scrip lets
  • Expression
  • Declaration
  • Implicit Objects
  • Action
  • JSTL
  • Custom Tags

  • Session Management – Introduction
  • What are the needs?
  • Session Tracking Technique
  • Hidden Form Fields
  • URL Rewriting
  • Cookies
  • Session
  • Design Pattern
  • MVC Design Pattern with Example
  • AJAX Programming With Example
  • Introduction to Distributed Technologies
  • RMI, EJB and WEB Services Introduction
  • Types of web services
  • What is Restful Web Services?
  • Restful Web Services Annotations
  • Restful Web Services with Example

  • Hibernate Introduction
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • Hibernate Configuration
  • All Core Interface
  • Query and Criteria
  • Named Query
  • All Relationships
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • All Database Operations with hibernate

  • Overview Of Spring Framework
  • Introduction of Spring Framework Architecture
  • Core Container
  • AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
  • Spring DAO (Data Integration)
  • Web
  • Spring Using IDE
  • Using Library
  • Spring Hello World Example
  • Spring IOC Container
  • Bean Factory
  • Application Context
  • Spring Bean Definition
  • Configuration
  • Life Cycle
  • Inheritance
  • Scopes
  • Spring Dependency Injection
  • Constructor-based
  • Setter Getter based
  • Inner Beans, Aliases, and ID-ref
  • Collections and References
  • Auto Wiring
  • Spring AOP
  • AOP Term
  • Write the Aspects
  • Configure Where the Aspects
  • Spring ORM
  • Spring MVC Web Forms
  • Spring Form Handling
  • Spring Form Tags
  • Spring Controller XML and Annotation Based
  • Spring MVC with Session Management
  • Spring CRUD Operation using Hibernate ORM

  • Cloud Computing – Introduction
  • Types
  • Hosting

  • The Project Definition for this Java Live Project was an Online News Portal. It allows the News publisher to publish his news and the user can select the news he wants to read. The project was developed using cutting edge technology in Java using advance

  • This Live project was rated as the best java project ideas was built in Java and allows a user to find cheap and efficient parking in and around where the user is. The system using gps tracking on the mobile phone and finds the most effective parking spot

  • This Java Project was built for the government java course admission process. The student Management system allows the tracking of all the students, their daily attendance, Java Classes, Java Certification grades. All the information about Java Training i

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Course Key Features

Master Core Java Programming Concepts
Get hands on with Servlets and JSP Technologies
Create applications with Spring And hibernate
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Skills Covered

Core Java
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Job Roles

Java Developer
Spring Developer
Software Developer
Software Programmer
Backend Developer
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Get Training Certificate by Government
Recognized NSDC/Skill India

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  • National Skill Development Corporation
  • Supported by the vision of PM Shri Narendra Modi
  • Certification by NSDC SkillIndia
  • Valid for all Jobs and College Training
  • International Recognition
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Yes, TOPS Technologies offers Java Live Project Training in Surat. If you are looking for a comprehensive and rigorous training program to help you become a Java master, look no further than TOPS Technologies. Our Java Live Project Training in Surat will teach you all the skills necessary to create dynamic, high-quality software using the Java platform.

During our Java Training in Surat, you will learn how to create complex applications using the most popular Java development frameworks. You will also be introduced to powerful tools and technologies that can help you speed up your development process.

At our Java Institute in Surat, trainers are experienced professionals who have undergone rigorous training. They will guide you through each training program step, ensuring that you acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a Java developer.

Surat is the best place to be if you are looking for a career in Java. There are plenty of jobs to be found here, both in multinational companies and small startups. The key to finding a job in Surat is to network and get connected with people who can help you find a position. Here are some tips on how to get started:

1. Start by attending local coding events and meetups. These events are great ways to connect with people who work in the Java industry and find out about new opportunities that might be available.

2. Join online communities dedicated to Java development. These communities offer valuable resources, networking opportunities, and the opportunity to share your work experiences with other developers.

3. Attend job fairs hosted by multinational companies or startups in Surat. This is an excellent way to introduce potential employers and learn more about their hiring policies and requirements.

4. Check out websites that list current job openings across various industries in Surat. This resource can help you search for specific positions that match your skills and interests and filter results based on location, company size, or category of job.

If you want to learn Java, consider enrolling at TOPS Technologies, the best Java Institute in Surat that provides Java programming courses and has experienced teaching professionals.

Yes, TOPS Technologies offers Java Classes with placement assistance in Surat. Our Java Course is designed to give you the skills required to land a career in the Java programming language. The course covers object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithms. 

Additionally, TOPS Technologies provides placement assistance for those who wish to pursue a career in Java programming. Our experienced professionals will help you identify industry trends and offer job advice. 

Recent studies and estimates imply that the annual compensation of a Java Developer in Surat might reach up to 8 Lakh Indian Rupees (INR). However, the pay scale may differ depending on the individual's level of experience and competence.

If you want a high-paying job then enrolling in a good Java training institute in Surat like TOPS Technologies can be an easy way to help you land your dream job. 

Yes, TOPS Technologies offers Java Interview Preparation for Freshers in Surat. With years of experience in the industry, TOPS Technologies provides an effective and efficient way to prepare for the Java Interview. Our trainers are well-versed in the subject and have a wealth of experience to share with you. They will help you understand the intricacies of the Java language and how to best answer questions from interviewers. 

You can also expect our services to help you boost your confidence during interviews, giving you a strong foundation to build your career. If you want to improve your chances of securing a job in the Java field, then TOPS Technologies is the perfect place for you. Contact us today to get started!

There are a variety of skills needed to become a Java Developer, but many of the basics are common to many programming languages. Below is a list of the most important skills for becoming a Java Developer:

1. Programming Experience – Whether coding in an existing language or learning a new one, gaining experience in coding will give you an edge when trying to become a Java Developer.

2. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – OOP is at the heart of making Java powerful and versatile. If you don't understand how OOP works, your development career will be significantly slower and more difficult.

3. Experience With Databases – A knowledge of databases is essential for any developer, especially for those looking to work with Java in a data-driven environment. Familiarity with popular options like MySQL, MongoDB, or Oracle would be a great asset as a java developer.

4. Good Problem-Solving Skills – Finding solutions to problems quickly is one of the key traits of successful software developers. Various programming tools and techniques can help you develop these skills quickly and effectively.

Doing a Course from a Java Training Institute like TOPS Technologies can help secure your career in this sector and increase your chances of getting a high-paying job.

The fees for enrolling in a Java Course in Surat may vary greatly depending on the course's duration and the institution that is offering the course. There is a possibility that the price will be somewhere between a few thousand to a few lakhs.

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