Java Course

Enrol in our Java Training Institute to Learn Java Programming from Basics to Advanced with our Certification Course & Classes to land a Great Job!

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  • Hands on Training
  • Flexible Timings
  • Industry Based Training
  • Expert Trainer
  • Affordable Fees
  • Placement Opportunities

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Java is an easy-to-learn and versatile programming language that can make you an ace. Benefit from hands-on training, flexible timings, affordable fees, expert trainers, and Personalised attention. Our Java course offers placement opportunities and is Recognised internationally by NSDC/Skill India. With 19+ offices across India and partnerships with 50+ industry courses, join now and enhance your career with TOPS Technologies' Java Course.

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Java Course Highlights

Complete Java Course to Learn Java Programming

Java is now one of the most popular programming language in the world, with more than 18 million developers using it. The rise in the popularity of Java can be attributed to its many benefits and features. Java is platform-independent, which means programs written in Java can run on any operating system. This makes it an ideal choice for developing cross-platform applications. 

A Java Course at TOPS Technologies can be extremely beneficial if you want to pursue a career in software development. Java skills can be helpful in many different roles, as the language is used in many applications.

What is Java?

Java is a computer language used for software development. Sun Microsystems created it in 1995, and its extensive use in the online and mobile development industries made it an increasingly popular alternative for application development. Compiling Java programs into bytecode allows them to operate on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

Java is a flexible programming language used for developing programs and websites. It has grown in popularity due to its cross-platform flexibility, which makes it suited for desktop and mobile devices.

Cross-platform portability is one of the most important features of Java. Java may be used to develop desktop and mobile applications and websites. In addition, Java is simple to learn, making it an excellent option for complete beginners. This makes it a helpful tool for enterprises that require the development of apps or websites but lack the time or money to master a more specialized language.

Java is an object-oriented, multi-purpose programming language used to develop websites, applications, and games. The main java concepts are OOPS, loop, data types, string, array, constructors, functions, methods, Generics, etc. Additionally, Java provides access to several development-facilitating libraries and tools. These libraries and tools support networking, graphics processing, databases, and other elements required to develop complicated programs.

There are numerous advantages to taking a Java programming course, including professional opportunities and personal growth. A Java certification Course can provide the knowledge necessary to develop web applications and complex software systems. In addition, a Java Beginner Course can improve your problem-solving techniques and interviewing and networking abilities.

A Java Certification Course from TOPS Technologies is a great place to begin if you're interested in starting a new profession or improving your present employability. You will be equipped to tackle any programming difficulty with this knowledge. In addition, learning Java Full Course helps enhance your creativity and critical thinking. These characteristics are necessary for success in any area and will prove useful as you pursue a software development career.

Java Computer Courses also provide numerous options for personal development. You will be able to further strengthen your analytical and problem-solving skills by becoming proficient in this popular programming language. In addition, the Java Certification Course helps enhance your writing and communication abilities. Gaining proficiency in coding will enable you to design complicated programs. This skill will be extremely helpful when seeking a job in technical industries such as engineering or software development.

Benefits Of Java

Frequent Updates

Java is one of the most popular solutions for application development because it receives frequent updates for software development, unlike other programming languages and technology stacks. In 2018, Java began utilizing a release cycle every six months.

The programming language Java is now exceeding everyone's previous expectations. Java 10 made deployments easier. Java is useful for developing numerous services, such as microservices, cloud services, and smartphone applications.

Secure Development

When producing code, programmers place a premium on the flexibility and security of the programming language they employ. Java is a computer program that is highly flexible and interoperable with all operating systems.

Sun Microsystems created Java for the first time in 1995. Due to its significant security benefits, many businesses have adopted it as a central component of their operations. Java must be at the top of your must-haves list if you are starting in programming. This is the only method to guarantee both dependability and adaptability.

Cross-Platform Programming

Software developers desire a programming language that can manage several operating systems and platforms simultaneously. In this situation, Java outperforms all other programming languages. Java is a bytecode that can be converted to executable code and executed on a computer having a Java Virtual Machine.

Java was able to generate flexible code that could be transmitted via bytes from one computer to the next. In contrast, other programming languages require the compiler to restrict the amount of code so that it can be compressed within the system. Java could accomplish this, but previous languages required the compiler to restrict the amount of code to a level where it could be compressed within the system. As a result, Java can now operate on any platform and be deployed efficiently.

Comprehensive Community

Java has a vast community of developers who are constantly creating new and innovative applications. The platform is extremely versatile and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Developers have access to a wealth of resources, including documentation, tutorials, and support forums. 

There is also a large amount of open-source code available, which makes it easy to find solutions to common problems. The community is very active and always willing to help out newcomers.

Industries That Use Java

Java has become a popular language for developing applications, websites, and mobile apps. The following are some of the industries that use Java:

Banking and Financial Institutions
Computer Systems and Software Companies
Electronics Manufacturing
Advertising Agencies and Marketing Departments
Telecommunications Providers
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Suppliers
Java Job Roles and Salary

Java Developer: A Java developer's basic job is making Java applications. This can mean making anything from simple Java programs to complex enterprise-level apps. Java developers need to know much about the Java language and its different parts. They should also know how to use common tools and frameworks for developing in Java. The annual compensation of a Java Developer in India might reach up to 7 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR), on average.

Mobile Developer: Mobile developers are responsible for creating and managing mobile applications using the Android or iOS frameworks. Backend (database storage) and frontend (user interface) technologies must be familiar to mobile application developers. Creating effective mobile applications must be conversant with numerous user interface design patterns, testing procedures, monetization schemes, etc. In India, a Mobile Developer may make a salary of up to 8.5 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR) annually on average.

Systems Administrator: These professionals are responsible for computer systems' overall administration and operation. They monitor system performance, defend systems from unauthorized access, and guarantee proper system operation. In India, the annual income range for a System Administer can go up to 8 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR).

Java DevOps Engineer - A Java DevOps engineer is responsible for developing and operating Java-based applications. This involves utilizing various DevOps frameworks and tools to automate the development and deployment of apps. Java DevOps engineers must have extensive knowledge of DevOps and be proficient with standard Java development frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate. In India, a Java DevOps engineer can make up to 10 Lakhs Indian Rupees (INR) in annual income.

If you want to learn Java, look no further than TOPS Technologies, which is the Best Java training institute in India and has experienced teaching professionals to guide you.

Customized Java Training 

Java Training Course at TOPS Technologies is intended for freshers and IT Training professionals. The Java training course comprises language fundamentals, implementation of pure object-oriented programming principles, usage of built-in Java classes, and real-time environment application. We have specialized Java instructors imparting knowledge in Core Java with Advanced concepts like J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, Eclipse required to develop highly scalable and secure Java Applications. For any questions, visit your nearest location, email us or call us.

Why Choose Java Course?

Java language is easy to write, implement and understand. You can transfer the java program from one system to another without any hustles. With Java learning, you have opted to become a Web developer, software programmer, tester, graphical designer, game programmer, and application developer. Popular businesses like Uber, LinkedIn, eBay, Naukri, HCL, Wipro, and TCS use the Java platform. TOPS Technologies also offer live java project training & Online classroom training for java learners.

Who can enroll in our Java Certification Course at TOPS Technologies?

Anyone can enroll in our Java Course and learn Java. This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Java programming. You don't need any previous experience or knowledge of Java to enroll in our Java Language Courses.

Our Advanced Java Course at TOPS Technologies is comprehensive and covers all the essential concepts of Java development. Our instructors are experts in their field and will guide you through each lesson step-by-step. So why wait? Enroll now and start learning Java today!

Become Skilled in Core Java with Our Java Course!

At TOPS Technologies, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive Java course to ensure you reach your goal of becoming a Java developer. Whether you are a beginner or looking to expand your web development knowledge, we have the tools and resources to help you excel in your career. Want to know more about this course? Email us at or visit your nearest TOPS training institute if you want to learn Java Course in Surat,  Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Nagpur with live projects and 100% placement assistance. You can also contact us at 7622011173 and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have about our java training course.
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Java Course Curriculum

Download Curriculum

  • Introduction to Java
  • Introduction of Students Career in IT
  • Working on Project and Assignment Using Lab

  • Conditional Statements (If, If Else, Nested If Else If) (Switch Case)
  • Loops (While, Do While, For)
  • Break and Continue
  • SDLC Process
  • Project Analysis
  • Analysis In Details
  • DFD(with practical)
  • Introduction of DFD
  • Rules for Drawing DFD
  • Context Level
  • First Level
  • Second Level
  • Data Dictionary
  • Flow Chart
  • Data Dictionary
  • Flow Chart

  • Introduction of Core Java
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Class, Object, Method
  • Constructor
  • Garbage Collection
  • Finalize
  • Source File Layout
  • Package Management
  • Import Statement
  • Data types
  • Primitive Types
  • Reference Types
  • Modifiers- Public, Private, Protected, Default
  • Conditional Statements and Looping Statements
  • Array Introduction
  • Why Array? Advantages
  • Types of Array
  • Resizing Array
  • Copying Array
  • Primitive types and Reference type Arrays
  • Encapsulations
  • Inheritance – Introduction
  • Advantages of Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Practical of Inheritance
  • Practical of Inheritance with Constructor
  • Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Abstract and Interface – Introduction and Difference
  • Keywords – This, Static, Final, Super
  • Classes
  • Object Class(only Important Methods)
  • String Class (Only Important Methods)
  • String Buffer & String Builder
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Exceptions
  • Introduction – Why Exceptions
  • Types of Exceptions
  • Try catch and Finally Block
  • Multi-catch Exceptions
  • Throw and Throws keywords
  • Method Overriding with Exceptions
  • Custom Exceptions
  • FILE I/O
  • What is Stream and Types of Stream
  • File Input Output Streams and Its Methods
  • File class
  • Command Line Arguments
  • Thread-Introduction
  • Thread Life Cycle
  • Creating Threads
  • Thread Class Methods (Only Important Methods)
  • Runnable Interface
  • Synchronized block and Synchronized Methods
  • Collection Framework – Introduction
  • Collection API
  • Hierarchy of Collections
  • List and Set and Map Collections
  • Array list, vector, and Other Classes
  • Generics
  • Comparator and Comparables
  • AWT (Introduction only) & Swing (in Details)
  • Components, Containers, Frame, Window, Panel, Layout
  • All Components
  • Events, Event Handling

  • Database
  • DDMS and RDBMS
  • Introduction
  • Query Types
  • Constraints
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • Unique Key
  • Normalizations
  • 1NF
  • 2NF
  • 3NF
  • Joins
  • All Joins Types
  • Advance Database
  • Indexers
  • Views
  • Procedures
  • Functions
  • Cursor
  • Triggers
  • JDBC (Insert, Update, Select, Delete)
  • Introduction of JDBC
  • Driver Types
  • Steps for Creating Connections
  • Types of Statements (Statements, prepared Statements and Callable Statements)
  • Result Set Interface
  • Database Metadata
  • Result Set Metadata

  • HTML
  • UL Tag
  • LI Tag
  • a Tag
  • IMG tag
  • Table, TR, TD tag
  • Form tags with Attributes
  • All input tags
  • CSS
  • Types of CSS
  • Pseudo- Classes
  • Margins and Puddings
  • CSS background
  • CSS using ID and Class
  • JavaScript
  • Events
  • Validations
  • Validations with Regular Expressions
  • Firebug
  • Template Integration
  • Introduction of Client-Server Architecture
  • HTTP Protocol overview with Request and Response header explanation
  • J2EE Architecture Overview
  • Web Component Development In Java
  • CGI Programming Process Advantage and Disadvantage
  • Servlet Programming Introductions
  • Advantage and Disadvantage
  • Servlet Versions
  • Types of Servlets
  • Difference between HTTP Servlet a Generic Servlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Creating Servlets
  • Servlet Entry in web.xml
  • Logical URL
  • Servlet Config Interface
  • Request Dispatcher Interface
  • Forward and Include Methods
  • Servlet Context Interface
  • Web Application Listener
  • Scope of Objects, Request, and Response
  • Application (Context) , Config
  • Java Filters – Introduction
  • What are the needs
  • Filter Life Cycle
  • Process of Execution Filter
  • Applying Filter
  • Entry in web.xml
  • URL Pattern with Filter
  • JSP Introduction
  • JSP Translation
  • JSP Life Cycle
  • Comments
  • Directives
  • Scrip lets
  • Expression
  • Declaration
  • Implicit Objects
  • Action
  • JSTL
  • Custom Tags

  • Session Management – Introduction
  • What are the needs?
  • Session Tracking Technique
  • Hidden Form Fields
  • URL Rewriting
  • Cookies
  • Session
  • Design Pattern
  • MVC Design Pattern with Example
  • AJAX Programming With Example
  • Introduction to Distributed Technologies
  • RMI, EJB and WEB Services Introduction
  • Types of web services
  • What is Restful Web Services?
  • Restful Web Services Annotations
  • Restful Web Services with Example

  • Hibernate Introduction
  • Hibernate Architecture
  • Hibernate Configuration
  • All Core Interface
  • Query and Criteria
  • Named Query
  • All Relationships
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
  • All Database Operations with hibernate

  • Overview Of Spring Framework
  • Introduction of Spring Framework Architecture
  • Core Container
  • AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
  • Spring DAO (Data Integration)
  • Web
  • Spring Using IDE
  • Using Library
  • Spring Hello World Example
  • Spring IOC Container
  • Bean Factory
  • Application Context
  • Spring Bean Definition
  • Configuration
  • Life Cycle
  • Inheritance
  • Scopes
  • Spring Dependency Injection
  • Constructor-based
  • Setter Getter based
  • Inner Beans, Aliases, and ID-ref
  • Collections and References
  • Auto Wiring
  • Spring AOP
  • AOP Term
  • Write the Aspects
  • Configure Where the Aspects
  • Spring ORM
  • Spring MVC Web Forms
  • Spring Form Handling
  • Spring Form Tags
  • Spring Controller XML and Annotation Based
  • Spring MVC with Session Management
  • Spring CRUD Operation using Hibernate ORM

  • Cloud Computing – Introduction
  • Types
  • Hosting

  • The Project Definition for this Java Live Project was an Online News Portal. It allows the News publisher to publish his news and the user can select the news he wants to read. The project was developed using cutting edge technology in Java using advance

  • This Live project was rated as the best java project ideas was built in Java and allows a user to find cheap and efficient parking in and around where the user is. The system using gps tracking on the mobile phone and finds the most effective parking spot

  • This Java Project was built for the government java course admission process. The student Management system allows the tracking of all the students, their daily attendance, Java Classes, Java Certification grades. All the information about Java Training i

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Course Key Features

Master Core Java Programming Concepts
Get hands on with Servlets and JSP Technologies
Create applications with Spring And hibernate
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Skills Covered

Core Java
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Job Roles

Java Developer
Spring Developer
Software Developer
Software Programmer
Backend Developer
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Get Training Certificate by Government
Recognized NSDC/Skill India

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  • National Skill Development Corporation
  • Supported by the vision of PM Shri Narendra Modi
  • Certification by NSDC SkillIndia
  • Valid for all Jobs and College Training
  • International Recognition
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Student Reviews


The fees for the Java Course may vary depending on the length of the program and the specific institute that is offering it. Depending on the institute, the course fees could range from a few thousand rupees to a few lakhs of rupees.

Enroll in our Java course at TOPS Technologies and increase your chances of landing a high-paying Java job. 

Yes, TOPS Technologies offers Java Live Project Training. Our expert trainers will teach you the basics of Java programming and help you create interactive applications using Java Live Projects. 

You will learn how to design, develop and deploy projects using the latest tools and technologies. This Java Programming Certification Course at TOPS Technologies is perfect if you want to learn how to create custom web applications, deploy them online or use them in your business. With TOPS Technologies' training, you'll be up and running with Java programming in no time!

Looking for a good career in Java? With plenty of software companies looking for Java developers, there are plenty of opportunities to land a great job in this dynamic field. Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Check out job boards and websites related to Java development. Many resources are available online, so it's important to do your research and find the best ones.

2. Attend coding boot camps: These intensive courses teach you all Java programming basics, so if you want to take the plunge into this field, then attending one is a great way to start. There are many boot camps available, so it's important to choose one that's right for you and your skill level.

3. Network: It can be tough to find jobs as a beginner developer. Still, by networking with other developers and professionals, you'll be able to put yourself in better positions when applying for jobs or finding freelance work. There are many meetups and coding clubs organised around India, so make sure to check them out!

Doing a Java Course from a Java Training Institute like TOPS Technologies can help you secure your future in this field. With our assistance, you will be able to get a high-paying job. So what are you waiting for? Enroll now!

Yes, TOPS Technologies offers a Java Course with placement assistance. Our well-trained and experienced instructors will teach you the key concepts of Java programming language so that you can create sophisticated applications. 

With our assistance, you can easily find a suitable job after completing our Java Training. So why wait? Register today and start your journey to becoming a skilled Java programmer!

Recent studies and reports show that the average salary for a Java Developer is up to INR 7 Lakhs per year. However, each candidate's pay scale may differ based on experience and skills.

Enroll in our Java Programming Training at TOPS Technologies and get placed in a reputed company with a high package. 

Yes, TOPS Technologies offers Java Interview Preparation for Freshers. With years of experience in the field, TOPS Technologies has a team of experts who can help you ace your Java interview. Our preparatory Java Classes are designed to equip you with all the knowledge and skills required for a successful Java interview.

We offer various courses, including the Java Basics course covering data structures, control flow, and exceptions. The Advanced Java Course covers advanced concepts like object-oriented programming and web development with Java.

Our experienced trainers will guide you through each module and ensure you are fully prepared for your Java interview. We also provide practice questions so that you can test your skills before the actual interview.

If you want to get ahead in your career as a Java developer, then our Java Classes are worth taking!

Java developers need skills in programming, software engineering, and design. Many Java developers also need knowledge of database technologies such as MySQL or Oracle. Here are the skills needed to become a Java developer: 

Skills in programming include familiarity with object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and experience using Java syntax and class libraries. Java engineers should also be skilled in version control systems such as Git or SVN. 

Developers must know design patterns and object-oriented testing approaches. Finally, understanding databases are essential for working with data in Java applications.

Many Java developers also need knowledge of web development frameworks such as Spring MVC or Hibernate. These frameworks make it easy to create web applications that are responsive and scalable. 

Other common skills among Java developers include proficiency with source control systems such as Git or SVN, networking abilities, and experience working with various languages, including JavaScript and HTML5.

Enrolling in  TOPS Technologies, one of the best  Java Institutes will help you learn all of these skills and get started on your journey!

Interview Questions

Java is a compiled, object-oriented programming language used for building standalone applications, while JavaScript is a lightweight scripting language used for web development.

An interface defines a contract that classes must follow, with only method signatures. An abstract class, however, can provide some method implementations and may include instance variables.

Exception handling in Java uses try-catch blocks to handle runtime errors, allowing the program to continue execution after catching exceptions and preventing program crashes.

Polymorphism is the ability of a method to take different forms, enabling objects to behave differently based on their class, helping in code reusability and flexibility.

Method overloading occurs when two or more methods in the same class have the same name but different parameters. Method overriding happens when a subclass provides its own implementation of a method already defined in its superclass.

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