Web Design-training

Web Designing: Courses, After 12th, Career Scope Fees 2024

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Last Updated: 29 Jun 2024

Web Designing: Courses, After 12th, Career Scope Fees 2024
Web Designing: Courses, After 12th, Career Scope Fees 2024

So you've just wrapped up 12th grade, or maybe you're mulling over a career switch? Either way, the field of web design is buzzing with opportunities. For the tech-savvy among you, Web Design Courses in Ahmedabad offer top-notch options. These courses don't just scratch the surface; they go deep.


  • Basics of Web Designing
  • Advanced Web Design
  • UI/UX Designing

Fees 2024

How much does a web design course cost?  Expect to shell out around ₹30,000 to ₹1.5 lakhs, depending on the course and institution.

So you're fresh out of 12th and wondering about web designing after 12th? Good news! Most courses welcome you with open arms; there is no need for a specialized degree.

Ahmedabad is a hot spot for web design courses, with a ton of options for freshers and pros alike. So what's the takeaway? Web design is not just a course; it's a gateway to multiple high-paying career paths. 

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Graphic design or web design, which is better?

Both graphic design and web design have their unique merits. Graphic design is more about visual communication and is applied across various mediums, from print to digital. On the other hand, web design is specific to crafting functional and aesthetically pleasing websites. 

If you're inclined toward the digital space and want to design websites, taking a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad might be the way to go. For those self-motivated souls wanting to know how to learn web design, there's a world of online resources waiting.

Why Choose Web Designing After 12th?

Wondering what's next after 12th? Trust me, the options are endless. But if you're a creative soul with a knack for tech, you might want to consider web designing after the 12th

Read More: How To Become a Graphic Designer After 12th?

Why? Two words: career opportunities. 

Career Opportunities in Web Design

What are the job opportunities for web designers? Here are the most popular job opportunities for web designers after a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad.

  • Web Developer: These are the backbone folks dealing with the actual coding and functionality.
  • UI/UX Designer: All about user experience and interface. Make things look and feel good!
  • Graphic Designer: Creativity in visual elements is your playground here.

So, what kind of bucks are we talking about? Let's get into that.

Salary and Required Courses in India

Job Role

Average Salary Per Annum (INR)

Recommended Courses

Web Developer

₹5-7 lakhs

Basics of Web Designing, Full-stack Development

UI/UX Designer

₹6-9 lakhs

UI/UX Designing, Graphic Design

Graphic Designer

₹4-6 lakhs

Graphic Design, Visual Arts

So, do you value freedom and space for creative juices? Web design is your jam, then! Work on freelance projects or be the star of a web design company you pick.

Wondering how to learn web design? Well, starting a Web Design Course is a great kickoff. Websites, YouTube tutorials, and mentor-led programs can be your best pals.

  • Google
  • Adobe
  • Infosys
  • Local web design companies in Ahmedabad

Here's the thing, folks. Web designing after the 12th isn't just another career path. It's a field where your imagination meets real-world applications. Want a 9-to-5 job? You got it! Prefer freelancing from a Bali beach? That's an option too!

What are the benefits of a web designing course?

Here are the benefits of a web designing course in bullet points:

  • Skill Acquisition: Learn essential tools and techniques used in the industry.
  • Career Opportunities: Open doors to jobs in a growing digital market.
  • Portfolio Development: Build a strong portfolio showcasing your designs to potential employers or clients.
  • Understanding User Experience: Grasp the nuances of creating user-friendly and engaging websites.
  • Flexibility: Opportunities for both freelance work and traditional employment.
  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the ever-evolving trends in website aesthetics and functionality.

 benefits of a web designing course

If you've been pondering, "What degree do you need to be a web designer?", a course in this domain can be a stepping stone. Not only does it equip you with the essential skills, but it also broadens your horizons in the digital world. 

TOPS Technologies stands out as the best Web Designing and Development Institute in Ahmedabad.

Embarking on a web designing course promises a blend of creativity and technical know-how, positioning you well in the digital landscape.

Which is best, web design or graphic design?

"Best" is subjective and hinges on your passions and goals. If you're fascinated by the broader spectrum of visual design spanning brochures, logos, and more, graphic design might be your calling. However, if the digital space excites you and you're keen on designing websites, web design could be your forte. Remember, irrespective of the path, there's always a way to upskill. Be it through a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad or diving deep into resources on how to learn web design independently; growth opportunities are ample.

How to Get Started?

Wondering how to become a web designer from scratch? So, you're intrigued by the world of web design and wondering, "How do I even start?" Right? Well, the path to becoming a web designer is more accessible than you might think.

Typically, there aren't many prerequisites to get started. A basic understanding of computers is helpful, but passion and creativity are the real MVPs here. Most institutions don't require anything beyond a 12th-grade certificate. It's as simple as that!

How to Become a Web Designer: The Courses

Wondering “What do I need to be a web designer?” Here are the courses you can take: 

Course Level

Course Name


Eligibility Criteria

Certificate Courses

Certificate in Web Designing

1 month


Certificate in Web Design and Development

2 months

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Certificate in Visual Content Development

12 months

Graphic Design, Basics of Web Design

Certificate in Graphics and Web Design

9 months

Graphic Design, Web Design, Basic Animation

UG Diploma Courses

UG Diploma in Graphics and Web Design

1 year

12th grade

Diploma in Graphic, Web and 2D Animation

12 months

Graphic Design, Web Design, 2D Animation

PG Diploma Courses

PG Diploma in Web Development

2 years

Graduation in relevant field

Postgraduate Program in Animation, Web, Graphic and Multimedia Design

1 year

Animation, Web Design, Graphic Design

PG Diploma in Web Designing

1 year

Advanced Web Design Techniques


Bachelor in Graphic and Web Design

3 years

12th grade with Science

B.Sc. in Graphic & Web Designing

3 years

Graphic Design, Web Design, Multimedia


B. Des. in Advertising, Graphics and Web Design

4 years

12th grade

B.Des. in Animation, Multimedia, Graphic and Web Design

4 years

Animation, Multimedia, Graphic Design, Web Design


B.Voc. in Web Designing

3 years

12th grade

How to Learn Web Design: The Steps

  1. Research: Look up various Web Design Courses in Ahmedabad and colleges. Check reviews and alumni feedback.
  2. Apply: Secure your spot in the course that fits your needs and budget.
  3. Learn: Dive into the curriculum, participate in workshops, and get hands-on experience.
  4. Build Portfolio: Start working on small projects to create a portfolio. It's your golden ticket to job interviews.
  5. Job Search: With a strong portfolio, start applying to web design companies or consider freelancing.

Which is the most common language used in web designing?

HTML and CSS are the foundational languages for web designing. They dictate the structure and appearance of a website. For those diving deep, a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad covers these extensively, ensuring you're well-equipped. Additionally, for the dynamic features, JavaScript often comes into play. For budding designers contemplating how to learn web design, familiarising themselves with these languages is a primary step.

How To Learn Yourself? 

Wondering how to learn web design on your own? Let's delve into the essential skills one needs to become a web designer.

Becoming a successful web designer necessitates a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and the right guidance. Opting for a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad is a pivotal step in this journey.

Here is how to learn web designing step by step:

Visual Design

Visual design is the bedrock of web design. It revolves around aesthetics: colour schemes, grids, and typography. Mastering these aspects can help you craft stunning websites.
  • Color Theory: Grasp the psychology and meaning behind colours.
  • Typography: Select fonts that align with the site's mood and are screen-friendly.
  • Layout Principles: Strategize content placement for user engagement.

UX (User Experience)

For those contemplating how to become a web designer, mastering UX is crucial. It zeroes in on the user's website navigation, ensuring it's intuitive.
  • User Personas: Fabricate characters symbolising various user demographics.
  • Wireframing: Draft your website's skeletal structure.
  • Prototyping: Churn out an initial site version for feedback.

Responsive Design

In today's multifaceted device ecosystem, a site must appear flawless everywhere. That's where responsive design shines.
  • Flexible Grids: Make certain your website layout moulds seamlessly across devices.
  • Media Queries: Tweak design considering device peculiarities.

Soft Skills

Beyond the hands-on skills, specific soft skills elevate your web designing acumen.
  • Communication: Articulate your concepts lucidly to clients or teammates.
  • Time Management: For those researching how to become a web designer, proficient time management can expedite the learning trajectory.

Lifelong Learning

The tech realm is in perpetual flux. Whether diving into a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad, continual learning is paramount.
  • Stay Updated: Periodically refresh your skills with the newest design methodologies and instruments.
  • Self-study: Harness online tools, walkthroughs, and courses.

Whether you're gravitating towards a formal Web Design Course in Surat or mulling over how to become a web designer through self-study, persistence is the secret sauce. 

Syllabus and Curriculum

Wondering what your journey through a web design course might look like? Most courses split the syllabus into core subjects and electives, giving you a balanced diet of must-knows and nice-to-knows.

Syllabus and Curriculum : Web Designing: Courses,

Here is what to learn to be a web designer: 

Typical Syllabus Structure Per Semester

Semester 1: The Foundations
Introduction to HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites
Basic JavaScript
Web Graphics and Media

Semester 2: Going Deeper
Advanced HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites
Introduction to Front-end Frameworks (like Bootstrap)
Web Design Project I

Semester 3: Getting Interactive
Advanced JavaScript
Web APIs
Database Basics

Semester 4: The Polishing Touches
Full-Stack Development
SEO and Analytics
Web Design Project 

Core Subjects and Elective Options

  • Core Subjects: No surprises here, you'll be neck-deep in HTML and CSS design and build websites, JavaScript, and database management. These are non-negotiables, the core of your web design diet.
  • Elective Options: Here's where you add some spice. Choose from options like Mobile Web Design, User Experience, or even specialized Web Design Courses in Ahmedabad in animation.
There you go! This guide gives you a glimpse into your academic journey in web design. Whether you're just getting started or aiming to level up, knowing the syllabus can help you make informed choices. 

E-commerce Website Development: A Booming Avenue

So you've got an eye on e-commerce website development? Smart move. This field is buzzing with opportunities!

Salary Averages for E-commerce Web Developers in India

Experience Level

Average Salary (per annum)


₹3-6 lakhs


₹6-12 lakhs


₹12-24 lakhs

Courses for E-commerce Website Development

Want to jump in? You'll need some skills. The good news is, there are plenty of courses that cover e-commerce specifics.

Course Type

Course Name



E-commerce Web Development Essentials



Diploma in E-commerce Technology

12th Grade


B.Sc in E-commerce Technology

12th Grade with Science


M.Sc in E-commerce Technology

B.Sc in relevant field

How to Get Started
  1. Do Your Research: Look up Web Design Courses in Ahmedabad and colleges with solid e-commerce curricula.
  2. Check Prerequisites: Some courses might need you to have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, or even programming.
Different courses have different fees. Make sure it's within your budget.

Best Institute For Web Designing After 12th

So, you're thinking of diving into the world of web design? Allow us to introduce TOPS Technologies, a game-changer in the IT Training and placement industry for over 15 years. 

  • 15 Years Strong: With a decade and a half in the game, they've got experience nailed down.
  • Student Success: Imagine being one of the one lac+ students who've landed jobs thanks to TOPS Technologies.

With tie-ups in 3000+ companies, your resume isn't just hitting desks; it's getting picked up.

Is web designing a good career in India?

Absolutely! With the digital era in full swing, India's online space is burgeoning. Web designing has emerged as a promising career path. Enrolling in a Web Design Course in Ahmedabad can give aspirants a competitive edge in this booming industry. 

For the self-starters, there are plenty of resources to understand how to learn web design on their own, making it a versatile and rewarding field to explore.


A Web Design Course in Ahmedabad can kickstart a high-paying career. Plus, as the industry evolves, so does the paycheck. TOPS Technologies ensures you're future-ready, prepped to grab those rising salary trends.


Can I start a web design course right after 12th?
Absolutely! TOPS Technologies offers courses tailored for beginners.

What is the average salary I can expect?
Entry-level positions start around ₹3-6 lakhs per annum, and it only goes up from there.

Is Vadodara a good city to learn web design?
Yes, Vadodara is a growing tech hub. TOPS Technologies' web design course in Vadodara is top-notch.

What job roles can I aim for after the course?
You could become a Web Developer, UI/UX Designer, or even specialize in E-commerce web development.

Do I need a background in tech for these courses?
While a tech background can help, TOPS Technologies has courses designed for all skill levels.

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