There are a plethora of options for a designer to make an amazing career. But there is no secret recipe for success in shaping a career as a successful graphic designer. A designer can make a career in the following;
– Graphic
– Web
– Animation
The idea is to be a designer first and blend in creativity with logic. One of the aspects that make a good designer is to think out of the box and be creative. Once the basics of designing are clear, one can go ahead and pick up the specialized designing part. Let us check a few characteristics that make a good designer.
Drawing skills
A successful graphic designer will always have good hands-on basic and elementary drawing skills. With the advent of technology, there are graphics tablets, slates, and even pens. Those having picked up drawing skills can have an added advantage over others when it comes to graphics. The basics of any graphics depend on having a great sense of lines, shapes, and drawing style.
Designing sense
The role of designers involves arranging various types of graphics and images that collectively aim to address a unanimous goal (the final design). The significant difference between a designer and an artist lies in the fact that art will always choose his/her heart and do what seems good or right, while a designer will work with a purpose. Even abstract art will have a definite aim to fulfill. Most of the designing senses evolve with experience as most of it also depends on intuition.
Shape and color theory
Designers use shapes and principles of shapes to define the character, object, or subject or even blend the spatial connections. Understanding shapes lead to elaborating more intriguing visual concepts. And colors, on the other hand, are useful for creating a contrast that demonstrates the variety and, proportion. Getting hold of the shape and color theory ensures that designers don’t blend in way too many identical shapes, sizes, and colors that end up flattening any design.
Becoming a good Graphic Designer:
The job of a successful graphic designer has a wide scope, from designing banners to brochures, and even small space designs like visiting cards, designing fabrics, logos, etc. A good graphic designer is one who has a commendable amount of grip on the designing software over and above the basics of designing. A few of the important software for graphic designers include (but are not limited to) Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Corel Draw, Inkscape, etc.

Becoming the best Web Designer:
Web designing demands a sharp eye to cater to the client's demands. And even if you are learning to design your own website, great care should be taken to reach the final design. The aesthetics are what matters the most when it comes to web designing. A good designer will always stick to the best web design practices that will leave a worry or two to the designers regarding the subject’s content. Relevancy is another aspect that a designer will need to take care of. And this will have you getting the understanding of alt tags (for pictures), crafting subheads, and integrating the element of SEO in designing as well.
Be a good Animator:
Animators have plenty of scopes to make their careers in the film and media industry. Most of the animators work for media agencies and film production houses. It is possible to get a job in an animation studio as well. Becoming a good animator requires a great sense of motion graphics understanding. This will require the designer to understand not only graphic design but also the concepts of moving images that stay close to reality. The ideal way to start a career in animation design is to enroll in a good animation course in your city at a reputed training center. This will ensure that you learn the basic software that is popularly used in the industry. Another aspect is to study the work of great animators and learn things faster by getting inspired. A course at the training center will surely work to inspire you to give the best of yourself.
Becoming a good VFX artist:
A Visual Effects Artist will mostly find himself/herself working on and off film sets. The job and type of work for VFX artists will largely depend on the project, the company and the sort of work it deals with, and the final output. The Visual effects artists are looked upon as creative engineers, responsible to churn out unbelievable film scenes and characters for TV shows and films. The work largely depends on the scale, script, and budget of the project. The primary role of a VFX artist depends upon their specialization as well. For example, some are responsible to generate stunning background effects to create ambiance, while others may work for facial details, hair specialists, etc.
UX/UI Designer:
You won’t require a dashing degree to flaunt for getting a job as a UX/UI designer. The job of such designers is to pave way for a highly convincing User Experience for the overall product (using the mobile application, software, web application, etc.). The idea is to ensure that the product logically flows from one step to the next. UX designers will have to produce screen wireframes, storyboards, and sitemaps to deliver a smooth user experience. For example, UX designers are given projects (within the product) like creating a delightful onboarding flow for new users. Photoshop, Sketch, Illustrator, Fireworks, and InVision are a few of the handy tools that a UX designer will require. Graphic design is an industry that has been growing exponentially over the past few years. There are many graphic designers who are successful in this industry. Graphic design courses teach you about the principles of design, color theory, typography, layout and composition, branding strategy, and more!
On the other hand, the UI designer will have to work on conceptualizing and implementing the visual language of a product. This includes creating and advancing the app-wide or site-wide style guides. The primary job of any UI designer is to create a unique visual identity for the product in terms of colors, style, and fonts. The idea is to stay simple and elegant all throughout the product and maintain a sort of uniformity that complements the UX. A UI designer is expected to learn a few the tools like Sketch, Zeplin, InVision Studio, and RapidUI to name a few.
To kick-start your career as a successful graphic designer, you will first need to learn, adapt, and implement the concepts of designing and later, pick up your forte. Become a good designer by joining TOPS and getting ahold of your specialization for an ideal job in the design field. Talk to subject experts and carve your own niche that helps you make your place in the design industry.
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