HTML 5 is the newest iteration of the HTML programming standard. Web Designing has seen a huge change and requirements of software projects have changed tremendously and hence HTML 5 was created. By enrolling in web design training you can easily gain professional on hands experience of the work.
Basic HTML 5 Features
Offline - HTML5 will allow certain data to be stored in the cache or on the local machine. This allows readily available content on the local device and hence improves the speed at which a page will load. For example, a song or a video or a flash image that takes longer to download can be stored on the local machine/ cache
Storage - Client Side storage will change how things work for any web
Developer - Client-side storage allows user data to be stored and data can be offered without any lag.
Connectivity - HTML5 Offers better connectivity which means almost real-time chat, and communication and the biggest benefit will be seen in real-time games.
File Access - It offers an ability to talk between the client systems and the server. This will allow users to store data on the server/ client in almost real-time.
Semantics - So far websites were driven by text and text only but in today's day of media and images becoming an integral part of any website it is important for a search engine to understand images and media and also the structural elements of a website which might support users from across the world.
Audio/ Video - HTML 5 will offer users the ability to manipulate and view audio video files in a much better way than in the past.
3D/ Graphics - In earlier systems, CSS and Javascript with HTML5 2D Canvas, SVG, etc web developers will be able to develop top-of-the-line graphically intensive websites without losing the speed of site launch.
Presentation - CS2 was the old technology CS3 is the new technology in HTML 5, it will allow web designers to create rich and user-friendly web designs. All that a user has to do is add a small css to their existing web design to make their website much better looking.
Performance - All the above feature improvements would have no meaning if the performance was not top-notch. There was a time when users viewed websites through text only, today's users are much more sophisticated and need top performance from their websites. HTML 5 will support the performance expectation of the users.