GTU Project training in Ahmedabad

How to Create PSAR (Patent Search & Analysis Report) for Final Year Project?

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Niral Modi

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2025

PSAR stands for Patent Search and Analysis Report launched by GIT in the grading system of the 7th semester students of GTU. The objective of the PSAR is to bring out innovations from the students for their final year project.

What is a Patent?

Patent refer to as an invention, an in invention is not your own until it is patented. A Patent is a right granted to the inventor of the invention that prevents others from making, using and importing it without his/her permission. It is a way of protecting creation of any category. And the invention can be defined by the process that provides a new way of doing something or a new technical solution to the existing problem.

Why Patent Search?

Patent search is a learning process in and of itself, which is continuously iterative. “Necessity is the mother of invention.” If no one is there to search a problem, there would be no any new inventions. To invent something new what you need is identifying needs or problems in the existing patent and delivers the solution to the problem, which turns into an invention.

Patent Search & Analysis Report

When you are searching for a patent, you should follow below questions:

  • What problem does the invention solve?
  • What is the invention?
  • What does the invention do?
  • To successfully accomplish patent search you need to use different search tools, use patent search tools, different patent granting organizations, use patent coding, use Boolean techniques for filtering search and how to access free patent search database like google patent, WIPO-Patent scope, Espacnet, IP India services.

Patent Search Report

Benefits of PSAR

A corporation or a person who is interested in obtaining a patent might find a patent search and analysis report to be of tremendous assistance in their efforts.

A patent lawyer or agent may give essential information about the innovation in issue and whether or not it is likely to be awarded a patent by conducting a search of patent databases and assessing the results of that search.

This kind of study can be helpful in determining whether the invention has any possible issues that would prohibit it from being granted a patent, such as the existence of prior art that is comparable to the invention.

Additionally, the report can include an estimate of the odds of the innovation being awarded a patent, which can be helpful in determining whether or not to pursue a patent application for the idea in question.

When taken as a whole, a patent search and analysis report has the potential to be a very helpful instrument for anybody who is considering filing for a patent.

The report has the ability to make the process of obtaining a patent considerably simpler and less stressful if sufficient specific information regarding the innovation and the possibility of patenting it is provided. 

How to get a PSAR report?

There are a great number of online services that provide reports that contain research and analysis on patents, and you may search the internet to discover one of these services.

A fast search on Google will turn up a number of trustworthy businesses that are in the business of providing reports of this nature.

It is crucial to find a firm that has expertise working in the field as well as a strong reputation when searching for a business that can offer you with a patent research and analysis report.

In the event that you decide the report does not meet your expectations, you should make sure the firm you select has a guarantee that allows you to receive a refund of your money.

After you have decided on a firm to supply you with a patent research and analysis report, the next step is for you to give that organisation some fundamental details about the innovation you intend to patent.

This comprises the date that you submitted your patent application as well as the name of your invention, a brief description of your innovation, and the date that your invention was named.

After that, the business that you select will look through the relevant patent databases and put together a report for you based on their findings.

This report will provide a list of all patents that are relevant to your innovation and how they were obtained.

The report will also include information on each of the patents, such as the status of the patent as well as the date the patent application was submitted.

After you have obtained your patent research and analysis report, you will be able to utilise it as a tool to assist you in making decisions regarding your idea.

With the assistance of this report, you will be able to assess whether or not your creation is original and whether or not it has a good chance of being patented.

You may get in touch with the organization that you got the report from if you have any inquiries regarding the content of the report; they will be pleased to assist you.

What is Analysis Report?

Analysis report is a comprehensive summary of your patent research which includes the list of the conclusion that you have derived from the analysis.

What you need to include in Analysis Report?

1. Patent Search Technique used:

2. Basic data of Patent and Bibliographic:

Inventor Details:

Applicant Details:

3. Technical part of patented invention:

Limitations of prior technology:

Specific Problem solved:

Brief about invention:

Key Learning Points:

Summary of Inventions:

How much the invention is related to your project definition:

PSAR is a new concept comprised in the GTU has made students anxious about it. If you are also puzzled with the PSAR and have no idea from where to begin and how to accomplish it, go with the best company who guide you in PSAR. TOPS Technologies is the best outsourcing and training company which provides the comprehensive live project training on final year project by considering latest norms and documentation and follow them.

TOPS Technologies has comprised all new topics of the PSAR in the comprehensive training of final year project. In TOPS Technologies you will learn about what is a patent, how to search patent, what is intellectual property rights, how to register for a patent in India, how to make an analytical report for patent search and all the subjects concerned to PSAR and Final year project. To know more about Final year project, visit nearer branch of TOPS Technologies.

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