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How to Choose the Right Technology for your Final Year Project Training?

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Niral Modi

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2025

Final year project training is the most important coursework as it matters when you are looking for a job. This is why students become over conscious about final year project which leads to assault of thoughts in their mind about with which technology they should go for. Selecting a technology is a daunting task as the technology which you have selected may create trouble for you, if the selected technology is not appropriate for your subject of an application. It may lead to complicated project and a complicated project means more bugs in your application. Here, I have given tips on how to select a technology for your final year project which make it bug free and easy. We will start it with what are the options available to us to develop an application.

Basic Frameworks which are available:

1. In frameworks you can have any of MVC (model view controller), MVP (Model View Presenter) and MVVM (model view view model) categories. 2. You can select a Framework as per scripting:
  • a. Server side frameworks: Laravel (PHP),, Django (Python), Ruby on Rails.
  • b. Client side frameworks: Silverlight, BacknoneJS, AngularJs.
3. Always go for the solution bound technology to develop the best application.For an example:
  • If you derive selection on eCommerce, you can go with Magento, Oscar, Zencart etc.
  • If you derive selection on CMS, you can go with Wordpress, Merengue etc.
  • If you derive selection on LMS, you can go with Drupal, SCORM etc.
4. Go with the basic framework only if any of solution bound technology does not meet with your application requirements.

How to make a right choice of technology for your final year project? Understand your project requirements:

1. What are the improvements that you are going to provide in the new system? Once you are clear with it, understand what are the requirements of your application. 2. Derive your actual goal that you are going to deliver in your new system. 3. What is your purpose of providing new system?

Break down the requirements:

1. Once you are cleared with the requirements of your new system, break it down into smaller logical modules. 2. The division of logical modules should be based on the business logic at this stage, don’t think of implementing logic at this stage. 3. If you find that divided module is still complicated, divide it further in small interacting modules. 4. At last, create a design diagram which shows the relation between each module. 5. Spot the type of solution that you are providing 6. Once all modules are ready, recognize your core module on which you are going to work to get better the system. 7. Now take out this important module and title it according to its work. 8. Select solution type based on the requirement of this significant modules. 9. If this module requirement is mostly product transaction or marketplace, shopping cart, then you go with eCommerce project. 10. If your project requirements are content delivery, then cms is the best solution for your modules. 11. If the module requirement demands data processing and computing, having various inputs from different sources, required interaction of different component in the same way then you should go with a basic framework.

Research for design based on modules:

1. Now when it comes to design, make sure that you won’t make any mistake as it’s most sensitive part. 2. To make a right decision you should research on your each module on the internet. 3. Find out the most popular technology that you can implement for your module. 4. Use the forums to ask best solution for your module which provides advanced technology. 5. Choose the technology which handles almost all the requirements out of the box. 6. Once a technology is selected, a search for the plugin/extension which are required for your application. 7. If you could not find extension which you required, evaluate the complexity of your requirement and try to implement it own self. 8. If you found that complexity level is much higher and you are not able to implement it yourself, it is a time to think about your platform which you have selected. 9. Select other platform for remaining modules that wrap all your requirements of your module. 10. Now search for plugins/extension that meets with your remained requirements. 11. This may help you out to implement those modules, but remember that more code lead to more bugs. 12. This is the reason why the selection of a technology depends upon the requirement of your application. If you are still struggling with technology selection for your final year project, visit TOPS Technologies which is one of the best outsourcing and training company which not only provides final year project training to students but also provide the complete guide on how to select a final year project based on technology and your career vision.

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